Monday, April 10, 2006

Today’s least surprising headline: France surrenders

Bowing to pressure from students and unions, French President Jacques Chirac on Monday unveiled plans to scrap a controversial youth-labor contract that spawned weeks of strikes and led to a complete political stalemate.
Jonah Goldberg says “France is doomed”: “It's difficult to draw any other conclusions. If they can't make it possible to fire 25 year-old, nose-picking malcontents and slackers from l'Blockbuster -- in order to give some hope to unemployed car-burning nihilist mobs in the outer suburbs, mind you -- they can't do anything.” France, and much of Europe, desperately needs to stimulate economic growth before the weight of their aging population shatters their social contract.

1 comment:

  1. The VP wrote:

    France, and much of Europe, desperately needs to stimulate economic growth before the weight of their aging population shatters their social contract.

    No worries, mon ami. The aging population -- they are left in gay Paris in the sweltering summer, as tout le monde head for the Riviera in August. Aging population problem solved.

