Monday, April 10, 2006

That would imply some kind of bias - Gateway Pundit: Media Appalled that George Bush Dare Defend Himself.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Yes, yes, it's that dastardly ol' MSM who's had enough of Bush's lying. That's why, when Bush threw out the first pitch for the Reds' home opener, the fear of booing was such that he walked onto the field with two injured soldiers, and the father of another who died in Iraq.

    Remember 2001? Remember the same strong leader who threw that dramatic ceremonial first post-9/11 World Series pitch, "symbolizing the unwavering strength of America" (and captured on the inspirational "Nine Innings from Ground Zero" DVD)? Now the guy's hiding behind cripples.

    Doggone that Wolf Blitzer! It's all him and his friends' fault!

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Cheney tried the same thing yesterday, by bringing deflector soldiers with him to the Washington Nationals' opener. But he got booed off the field anyway.
