Friday, April 21, 2006

Rummy stays put – Enough already on the Donald Rumsfeld attacks from the Democrats, the generals, and the media. He’s not going anywhere.

I have a theory why Bush will not replace Rummy: any new Cabinet nominee would have to go through the same grandstanding, brow-beating, and public humiliation of sitting in front of a Senate committee. Condi Rice is one of the most accomplished persons in government and she had to endure two days of Joe Biden’s incessant prattle. No thank you.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "You don't go to war with the Secretary of Defense you want, you go to war with the Secretary of Defense you have."

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Golly moses, anyone knows that, by cracky. Land o'goshen! Holy guacamole! Yumpin' yiminy!

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Mahmoudy stays put – Enough already on the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacks from the White House, the generals, and the media. He’s not going anywhere.

    There, I fixed it for you.

  4. To paraphrase Dubya: "You're doing a fine job, Rummy!" I hope they keep him.

    What I really want is for some democrat to make a big deal out of the 6 generals who want Rumsfeld's scalp. I'd so much want to point out to Harry Reid or Teddy Kennedy that of the six, one (Zinni) testified before congress that Iraq had a ton of stockpiled WMD's and could restart the programs at the drop of a hat; and that another (Clark) told the US Public (via CNN) that he had clear proof that Saddam and Iraq were behind the 9/11 attacks.

    I would love to have these clowns called to testify and have them defend their words.

