Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Now let’s go racing!

From an interview with NASCAR driver Brian Vickers:

3. If you could be President of the United States for a day, what would your greatest accomplishment be?
Vickers: The two that come to mind right away would be something to do with education, and solving the country's dependency on foreign oil.
Hmmm. That seems like an odd (hypocritical?) concern for a guy who gets his gas tank filled in 12 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    All other things being equal, the racing stock car which gets better gas mileage will have a competitive advantage; builders do not ignore this factor. The fuel burned during a race provides entertainment for countless fans who do not view it as wasteful.

    Technology developed for racing has contributed to the betterment of passenger cars for decades, and a directed campaign to apply racecar developers' skills to the problem of petroleum consumption would be productive. This relates to more than just gas mileage. Automobiles today consume less lubricating oil, even as they age, than those built before the late '70s, because the manufacturers now copy the race engine builder practice of applying a torque plate to the block before boring the cylinders.
