Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New York’s a lonely town when you’re the only surfer boy around

Via Popular Mechanics, here’s the cost to drive a car from New York to California using various forms of energy:

Electric - $60
Compressed natural gas - $110
Gasoline - $213
Biodiesel – $231
Ethanol - $425
Methanol - $619
Hydrogen fuel cell - $804

Environmentalists take note: that cheap electric ride is generated from a ton of sulfur and carbon-dioxide producing coal.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You should ask three questions when listing energy sources.

    1. How much energy was required to produce the fuel you use,

    2. How long will it take you to get where you are going using the fuel, and

    3. What fuel stations are available along the road.
