Friday, April 07, 2006

I'm back! And tired!

Well, a half-page of news from the Herald Tribune won't scratch the surface of everything I need to get caught up on. (Tom DeLay did WHAT? Scooter Libby said WHAT?) But before I do that, let me recount the Kafkaesque security procedure at Frankfurt airport:

1) Check-in. All checked bags are scanned before going up to the counter.
2) First security. All carry on bags are scanned. Pass through metal detector and get wanded.
3) Passport control. Stamp passport.
4) Second security scan. Only for American-bound flights. Re-scan bags and get wanded again.
5) Second boarding pass check.
6) Gate check - Boarding pass submitted.

By #4, I was freaking out, especially since I only had 10 minutes to catch my flight back the the United States. But it all worked out in the end...except they lost my bag. Allegedly it will be here tomorrow. (Sigh)

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