Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Good Leak

That’s how the Washington Post’s main editorial today describes the White House efforts to fight back against Joe Wilson’s lies:

Mr. Wilson subsequently claimed that the White House set out to punish him for his supposed whistle-blowing by deliberately blowing the cover of his wife, Valerie Plame, who he said was an undercover CIA operative. This prompted the investigation by Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald. After more than 2 1/2 years of investigation, Mr. Fitzgerald has reported no evidence to support Mr. Wilson's charge. In last week's court filings, he stated that Mr. Bush did not authorize the leak of Ms. Plame's identity. Mr. Libby's motive in allegedly disclosing her name to reporters, Mr. Fitzgerald said, was to disprove yet another false assertion, that Mr. Wilson had been dispatched to Niger by Mr. Cheney. In fact Mr. Wilson was recommended for the trip by his wife. Mr. Libby is charged with perjury, for having lied about his discussions with two reporters. Yet neither the columnist who published Ms. Plame's name, Robert D. Novak, nor Mr. Novak's two sources have been charged with any wrongdoing.

As Mr. Fitzgerald pointed out at the time of Mr. Libby's indictment last fall, none of this is particularly relevant to the question of whether the grounds for war in Iraq were sound or bogus. It's unfortunate that those who seek to prove the latter would now claim that Mr. Bush did something wrong by releasing for public review some of the intelligence he used in making his most momentous decision.
But – whatever you do – don’t let the facts stand in the way of the Left’s narrative. As Tim Blair would surely point out, the terrible no-good treasonous Halliburton-funded leak will equal the mythos of the plastic Thanksgiving turkey.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Bush didn't hold up a plastic turkey, he only posed for a photo op with an actual decorative turkey not meant for soldiers' consumption!

    Bush didn't authorize a leak of classified information, he'd secretly declassified it before his spokesmen and assistants lied about how it got out there!

    Bush didn't say he wanted to "get to the bottom of" this leak; he was talking about some hypothetical illegal leak (but only in theory)! When he said "if there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is," it wasn't a lie, because he knew about his own leak and thus his desire for knowledge was fully satisfied!

    Besides, it all depends on what your definition of "if" is!

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The president has legal authority to declassify information, which he did in this case to counter lies being told publicly by Joe Wilson.

    Furthermore, a "leak" is an unauthorized disclosure of information -- if he declassified the information in advance, and authorized its release, then it is not a leak. At least try to use the word "leak" correctly.

    Furthermore, you are conflating his comment about the Valerie Plame "leaker" with the perfectly legal declassification of different information. I could explain to you why your comment is non-sensical, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand.

    When discussing current events with lefties, it seems I have to spend half my time trying to force them to form a rational, logically coherent argument, instead of addressing the merits of the issue.
