Thursday, March 23, 2006

Vive le joblessness

The Christian Science Monitor looks at the labor reforms in France:

One could brush the demonstrations aside as typical French protests - practically a rite of spring in la république. But they point to an overall resistance that will make economic and social reform that much harder in the future.

Each year of delayed reform will only prolong the sluggishness of the French economy and high joblessness. According to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development index that measures restrictive job environments, French job inflexibility is nearly 15 times higher than in the US, where workers can expect to change jobs six times in their career. The US jobless rate is less than 5 percent, while in France it hovers near 10 percent.

Slow growth and high unemployment is not limited to France, and European countries are grappling with how to reform expensive social systems and restrictive labor practices without provoking unrest.
Meanwhile, violence is spreading among French students who must think they’re playing out Les Miserables.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    It's one thing to be bummed because your first job isn't guaranteed anymore, but to riot in the streets? It must suck to be so pathetic.

  2. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Yeah, why don't they just take it, eat it with a smile, and reelect the politicians who've sold their futures out for a nickel on the dollar? That's the American way!

  3. Dr. Eirik, you make too much sense. You're going to confuse anonymous. Shame on you.

  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Ha, ha! Those French are so feeble! Our economic system is incalculably superior in every way! I'd post yet more about how lame France is, but now I have to run to my new second job, which I took because my old company decided it was too expensive to give me my pension.

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