Thursday, March 09, 2006

UAE port deal goes poof

From Fox News: “Dubai company to give up stake in U.S. port deal” – “After Republican leaders warned President Bush that the House and Senate appeared ready to block Dubai Ports World from taking over some U.S. port terminal operations, the company said it would give up its management stake in the deal.

Well, I told you there wouldn’t be a veto. Mark Levin has the predictable Democratic response at the best issue they’ve had in years:

Thanks goes to the House Republicans. The Appropriations Committee vote was so overwhelming, that the UAE got the message and is now pulling the ports deal. Hence, there will be no confrontation with the president, or embarrassing veto override. And the reaction from Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the appeasement wing of the Senate is hilarious: Reid is demanding a vote on a deal that no longer exists and Schumer is insisting on seeing the details of the now defunct deal. It's not easy being a weak-on-defense liberal.
Michelle Malkin, naturally, has a huge roundup. My feeling is that while the port agreement had certain merits, it could never overcome the political ramifications, especially when so many Americans take a dim view of Muslims. Now let's never speak of it again.

Extra – From Rick Moran: “That thud you heard coming from the White House today was the sound of Karl Rove’s invincibility hitting the floor.” And AJ Strata is really worked up about the whole thing. Mac too.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Uh oh, George's pimp is breaking up with him:
    Arab ally senses Bush no longer has control

    It will be spoken of, and spoken of, and spoken of. Nixon still has the bigger second-term collapse, but at least his was based on a single event.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    This probably won't have much effect on the mid-term elections, since the GOP took an equal hand in killing the deal, but this definitely ruins Bush's chance for a third term.

    And just wondering, the UAE is George's pimp... why? Because they're a bunch of d@amn A-rabs??

  3. I just don't see how this rates a "ho hum, politically this was impossible, la dee da" and never speak of it again.

    We've stood up and shouted from the mountain top that everything we've said about the middle east is a lie. That we *can't* have normal business dealings with anyone who is Arab. That the fight is between the 21st Century and the middle ages. Proof... the UAE, as firmly in this century as it's possible to get, was shown the door.

    Because Americans are xenophobic morons.

    But big deal, ho hum. It's just politics.

  4. Missed a "not" in there... We've now said that the fight is *not* between the 21st century and the middle ages...

  5. The link didn't work for me Anonymous, but it's not like it's *news* that anyone with half a brain couldn't have figured out for themselves.

    Maybe Bush's communications problems are that he has too much faith in the common folks ability for rational thought.
