Monday, March 13, 2006

Through a ketchup bottle, darkly

Here’s John Kerry last week:

''There's a very different John Kerry now who is absolutely crystal clear about how I communicate what I need to communicate. . . . People are going to be looking for leadership."
And here he is laying out his crystal clear agenda in New Hampshire this past weekend:

“Don’t let anyone tell you we Democrats don’t know what we stand for. We know who we are and we know what’s worth fighting for. Let me tell you how Democrats will lead if you give us the chance in 2006,” Kerry said at the first joint dinner for the Nashua City Democrats and the Hillsborough County Democrats at the Nashua Country Club.

“Here’s what we’ll do. Tell the truth. Find Osama bin Laden and secure our ports. Stop subsidizing big oil and start investing in energy alternatives. Make access to affordable health care a right and not a privilege. Fight for American jobs that restore the American dream. Obey the law and protect our civil rights. Fire incompetents and restore competence and integrity to Washington,” he said in prepared remarks.
Now that’s some agenda. Kerry went on to declare (boldly!) that “oxygen is good no matter what the Republican leadership says.” (HT: Wizbang)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Kerry chomps choad, that's beyond all debate. But if you think "Fire incompetents and restore competence" isn't an issue that'll win votes in '06 and '08, you're kidding yourself.
