Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Subtle as a sledgehammer

Hillary’s oh-so-casual reference to religion:

Surrounded by a multicultural coalition of New York immigration advocates, Clinton blasted the House bill as "mean-spirited" and said it flew in the face of Republicans' stated support for faith and values.

"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."
Hoo boy. I guess Hillary didn’t get the memo from pollster Alan Quinlan: “Authenticity matters most.

"How will Democrats get out of the desert?" That is the million dollar question I am asked a million times. And after each election--each loss--a lot of familiar people go on TV and write articles, explaining their version of how Democrats can win again based on why we lost. They say, "We lost because of the war." "We lost because of abortion. " "We lost because we didn't talk about God. " "We lost because of taxes."

In 2004, the hand wringing was constant and it was difficult to watch. It was difficult to watch because the reason we lost became painfully clear. Somehow over the last 30 years, Democrats stopped being authentic.
Once the Democrats master the art of fake sincerity on these issues, they’ll have it made.

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