Sunday, March 12, 2006

Second amendment diary – Well, I am a handgun virgin no more: today a friend of mine took me as a guest to his shooting club and I managed to get off about 80 rounds on my 9mm. Let’s just say that the targets indicate there’s room for improvement when it comes to accuracy.


  1. Oh, you need to give us more details than that! What kind of 9mm was it? Is it yours?

    Did you try a .45?

    And wasn't it *fun*?

  2. Sorry, yes, it was my just purchased S&W 9mm Model 908 which I got after a six-month journey to get my license to carry.

    And it was definitely cool. Now I have to clean it out.

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM


    I am going to send this in to the Carnival of Cordite for you!
