Saturday, March 25, 2006

Quote of the Day

It’s from Sir Charles Napier on the former practice of “suttee” in India:

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: When men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks, and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
Found via Mark Steyn, making a point about Abdul Rahman. In the years leading up to the American Civil War, abolitionist John Brown was called the “meteor of the war” because his execution galvanized the anti-slavery movement in the North. I look at the Rahman case and wonder if he’ll be the example that will convince the world that Islam and the modern Western world are incompatible. We’ll see.


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    In the years leading up to the American Civil War, abolitionist John Brown was called the “meteor of the war” because his execution galvanized the anti-slavery movement in the North. I look at the Rahman case and wonder if he’ll be the example that will convince the world that Islam and the modern Western world are incompatible.

    One itsy-bitsy problem with your comparison is that by the time of John Brown, slavery was an either-or proposition; either it would continue to exist, or it would cease.

    You might want to do a quick Christian/Muslim headcount before proposing a similar "last faith standing" ultimatum.

  2. My World Almanac sez: 2 billion Christians vs. 1.2 billion Muslims. And I'll bet the 800 million Hindus will probably be on our side in the End Days.

  3. Anonymous2:54 AM

    My error. So does this mean the good news is that, after the ultimate showdown, we 800 million survivors will be the winners?

    Grotesque news stories notwithstanding, Islam vs. the West is not a zero-sum proposition.

  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    While I agree with the President that we need to try to make democracy work in the ME -- my gut feeling is that it will work only in the short run for the next few decades. Muslims are human beings who yearn for freedom and prosperity, but they subscribe to a basic ideology that is incompatible with free will due to it's base concept of total submission to Allah's will. It is a religion for bullies that crushes innovation and who's only successes are based on a parasitical leaching of the more advanced cultures it conquers. But in the end, it kills the host within a century, and begins to return to it's barbaric roots. Future generations may curse the days the West failed to destroy Islam.

  5. "Future generations may curse the days the West failed to destroy Islam."

    Yeesh! That's a little strong. Can we say "contain"? Or is that off the table?

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Containment requires eternal vigilance. Our attempts at containment of communism led to a steady eroding our position from the end of WWII till 1981. Then we went back on the offensive (remember that Korea and SE Asia were defensive operations), and communism collapsed in less than a decade.

    In the clash of civilizations, peace only comes when one side crushes the other, either on the battlefield or in the bourse or in the bedroom.

  7. Anonymous2:52 AM

    In the clash of civilizations, peace only comes when one side crushes the other, either on the battlefield or in the bourse or in the bedroom.

    Then face it, you're doomed. Unless you think you could handle 73 virgins.
