Monday, March 13, 2006

Profile in courage

George Clooney on the Hollywood Huffington Post: “I’m a liberal. There, I said it!”

Humorist Tom Lehrer in the intro to “The Folk Song Army”: “One type of song that has come into increasing prominence in recent months is the folk-song of protest. You have to admire people who sing these songs. It takes a certain amount of courage to get up in a coffee-house or a college auditorium and come out in favor of the things that everybody else in the audience is against like peace and justice and brotherhood and so on.” (circa 1965)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Also apropos is the Phil Ochs tune "Love Me, I'm a Liberal."

    "Of all the shades of political opinion, the shadiest is the liberal ...
    Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center when it affects them personally."
