Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Math is fun

From Citizen Kane:

Charles Foster Kane: “You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in... 60 years.”
Now here’s David Ignatius hyperventilating about global warming in the WashPost:

Every week brings new evidence that global climate change is real and that it's advancing more rapidly than scientists had expected. This past week brought a report in Science that the Antarctic is losing as much as 36 cubic miles of ice a year.
From Nova:

Antarctica has some seven million cubic miles of ice, representing some 90 percent of the world's total.
So we have some time.

1 comment:

  1. "You know, Mr. Viking, at that rate we'll have to close the Earth in... 194,000 years.”
