Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The guy with a dog named “Splash”

In “Kyoto No Go,” Pete DuPont implies that Ted Kennedy is hypocritical on energy independence:

Then construct two million new wind turbines--a 50-fold expansion of wind power machines. To function properly they must be far enough apart to allow wind pressure to flow between them, so about five turbines per square mile can be installed. But windmill construction is controversial. The environmentally dedicated Kennedy family has already forbidden wind power off their summer island of Nantucket. Why? Because, says Robert Kennedy Jr., a lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Counsel, the wind farm would "damage the views from 16 historic sites." One of them, of course, is the Kennedy family summer compound.
For Teddy K., the Cape Wind project is a bridge too far.


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Typical lefty approach to life: Do what I say, not what I do.

  2. What if Citzens Eneregy proposed its own wind farm off the North Shore? That would represent something quite different.

  3. Anonymous10:27 PM

    [i]Typical lefty approach to life: Do what I say, not what I do.[/i]

    Typical rightwing insight! Why can't those hypocritical Dummocraps provide consistent, coherent, moral leadership? You know, like the examples set by monogamous Newt "Adios" Gingrich, the war hero Dick "Not Now" Cheney, virtuous watchdog Bill "Snake Eyes" Bennett, long-distance diagnostic wizard Bill "Do No Harm" Frist, drug war cheerleader Rush "Hillbilly Heroin" Limbaugh, family values proponent Tom "Mom Who?" DeLay, Oval Office honor-restorer George W. Bush, campaign reformer John "Cablevision Bitch" McCain, and so many other straight arrows?

  4. Personally I think wind farms are beautiful, impressive and grand.

    Unfortunately, it seems that they kill birds of prey with regularity. I'm not sure why or if the problem can be solved but they just fly *wack* into the blades for some reason. (maybe they fly higher than other birds?)

    Nuclear power is probably a better choice.

    Or maybe tide driven turbines... provided they didn't hack up lobsters.

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