Thursday, March 30, 2006

Good news roundup

Jill Carroll freed in Iraq

Sago mine survivor leaves hospital

Corporate profits lift GDP - Economic growth revised up to a 1.7 percent annual gain in 4Q, in line with forecasts, on strongest gain in corporate profits in 4 years; inflation measure rises.

Unconfirmed: Fidel Castro is dead (more on the rumor from Publius Pundit)

And Newt Gingrich and David Merritt take a look at the new prescription drug benefit in “A healthy Medicare drug plan”:

Amid the shrill cries that the sky is falling on senior citizens comes news on how Medicare beneficiaries view their new prescription drug benefit. According to two recent surveys, conducted on behalf of America's Health Insurance Plans, of more than 800 randomly selected seniors enrolled in the Medicare drug benefit, 84 percent who signed up voluntarily experienced no problems enrolling; two-thirds say the benefits are worth the time and effort to evaluate their options and plans; 59 percent of self-enrolled seniors say they are saving money; and 90 percent of beneficiaries who were automatically enrolled, most of whom are poor, have had few problems getting their prescriptions.
And now back to your regular programming.


  1. People have asked all day, "Do you remember where you were when you heard Reagan was shot?" (I certainly do). I hope that I can say. "I remember where I was when I heard Castro was dead. I was on the head reading Viking Pundit on my laptop." My God, I hope Castro is as dead as Stalin.

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM

    I hope that I can say. "I remember where I was when I heard Castro was dead.

    Voting against President Chelsea Clinton's reelection? Downloading "Surreal Life 38" into your PsiPod? Watching the dying throes of the Iraqi insurgency? The cockroach Castro will outlive everyone and everything you know, with the possible exception of Andy Rooney's cryogenically preserved eyebrows.
