Thursday, March 02, 2006

Down the hatch

The consensus is that “Lost” has never “jumped the shark” but the end of last night’s episode was Fonzie putting on the water skis. Jonah Goldberg has it right:

I thought the prisoner's toying with Locke's head was really poorly written. This Locke guy has been a rock for two seasons, a superman. And then, with one hamfisted suggestion that he's a yes man, he throws a hissy fit? Totally implausible.
Especially since earlier in the episode, Locke warns Mr. Eko to be careful when speaking to the prisoner because “he’s smart.” Even if Locke was agitated, he never would have let it show after the prisoner made it obvious he could hear everything. A real eye-rolling moment.

1 comment:

  1. Unless Locke is pretending in an attempt to gain information about the prisoner (or perhaps Locke is frustrated with letting his guard down - the books and all - around the prisoner and has become more convinced that the prisoner is an Other).

    However, if this speculation is wrong, it's a mighty silly plot turn because it was Locke who convinced Jack to hold onto the prisoner and let Sayed work him over. So Jack was Locke's yesman with respect to the prisoner - the exact opposite of what the prisoner was suggesting.
