Friday, March 10, 2006

Can’t Bush do anything right? – “Economy adds 243,000 jobs in February”: “Hiring gained ground in February with employers adding 243,000 jobs, the most in three months. Brighter job prospects sent people streaming into the labor market, however, pushing the unemployment rate up marginally to 4.8 percent.”


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Me too! I also chose to skip over the unhappy words in the story like "tepid," "mixed," "modest," "bond prices headed lower," "losses," or "ultimately, little change."

    And I refuse to acknowledge news stories like "New home sales fall in January; Drop by 5% indicates 'real softening' in housing market." It's much more pleasant to go into the archive, and read the upbeat December home sales report you touted a month ago, back when that was the ironclad proof of Bush's economic vindication.

    I wonder what it'll be in April!?!?!?

  2. Wow, you're a die-hard fan of Viking Pundit. Come back again.

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Oh, sure, I'm a huge VP fan from way back! Your early February 2006 material remains classic!

    And I take the same attitude towards this site that you do with the Bush economy. Your good topics, they're golden! And your bad topics... they don't even exist!

  4. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Cherry-picking makes the whole world seem booming and beautiful.
    Example: in weeks 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and the Wild Card game, your New England Patriots were UNDEFEATED!

  5. Anonymous12:05 AM


    I guess you can't take in the totality of the good news. Must be too overwhelming for you. The fact is that the economy for the last 3 years has largely paralleled the economy under Clinton at the same point in his presidency. And for certain classes of citizens, namely minorities, the results now are even better.
    I don't really expect the MSM to extoll the virtues of the economy, even when the virtues are numerically obvious. But a smaller dose of negativity and pessimisim certainly seem to be in order. I get weary of the "We report, because we get to decide". I prefer F-network by far.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I guess you can't take in the totality of the good news.

    The point is that the "totality" of the economic situation is obviously not "numerically obvious." If December housing spike is glorious vindication for Bush's policies, then the opposite result from October, November, or January must have some meaning, mm? Or does this roller coaster only go up?

    I look at the numbers as evidence of a mixed economy, with good signs and bad. Maybe that's because I'm not shaking pompoms and shouting "2-4-6-8! Who do we appreciate!"

    It's just as misleading when Democrats cite only the bad numbers and bash the administration. But then, that middle of the road doesn't attract much foot traffic these days.

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Courtesy of Jayson at polipundit, who seems to glean the data the MSM can't seem to find:
    February 1998

    3.9 - Whites.
    9.7 - Blacks.
    6.8 - Latinos.

    On the other hand:

    February 2006

    4.1 - Whites.
    9.3 - Blacks.
    5.5 - Latinos.

    These would be the unemployment rates.

    Home sales have a seasonal oscillation, and home sales are also extremely sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. By the way, when you have about 68% of Americans owning a home, the market will tend to soften as the number of qualified buyers will be difficult to increase. But make no mistake, having 68% of Americans owning a home is a good thing.
    The evidence is all around you, if you choose to see it. It's not all wine and roses, but it's a far cry from doom and gloom.

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