Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today’s my birthday – Yeah, that’s right, it’s on Valentine’s Day – big whoop, you wanna fight about it? Anyway, how about adding me to your blogroll? That would be just super.

By the way, I'm starting to feel "old" because I just don't recognize and/or like any of the popular songs today. I used to consider myself pretty hip when it came to music, but now the only top 20 tune I like is "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz. Everything else is just a lump of noise.


  1. Dodd, you clown. I'm on the blogroll of your defunct blog. Why don't you come back? ;-)

  2. happy belated bday! I woulda said so yesterday but you updated your blog past my bedtime :)

    and yeah, you were already on my bloglist

  3. A little late but happy birthday. Now go out and buy/download 50 cents birthday song. Don't you feel much more hip?
