Friday, February 24, 2006

Karl Rove, call you office. Immediately.

From Real Clear Politics: “New Rasmussen Poll: Dems Favored Over Bush On National Security”:

Everyone has been saying the politics of the Dubai Ports World deal is bad news for President Bush. Well, now we have an idea of just how bad. Rasmussen Reports hasjust released a poll showing that Americans now trust Democrats in Congress more than President Bush on the issue of national security by a margin of 43% to 41%. Only 17% of those polled favor the DPW deal, 64% oppose.
Do you know what the immediate effect of this poll will be? The UAE port deal is dead. If Bush uses his veto, the GOP will revolt on Capitol Hill and override. It may not be right, but that’s democracy.


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Nice cherry pick there. The article you cited goes on to say the poll was taken at the height of the negative reaction and the feeling has gone back in the President's direction. Even the WaPo supports it now.

  2. Hey, buddy, it's no secret I'm a big Bush fan. But if he starts slipping on national security, it's a problem. Just trying to be fair and balanced here.

  3. Yeah, sure. This is why I never believe polls. Very few people have changed their mind on Bush and national security. I hate when you cite polls. Forget them. I did polling at Arizona State when I was a grad student there, and I could word a poll that will result in the Democrats being found to favor the abolition of abortion 5 to 1 over Republicans.
