Friday, February 03, 2006

The danger of transferring frozen assets

From the AP: “Ice Cream Shop Owner Gets 15 Years for Funding Terror”:

An ice cream shop owner from Yemen was sentenced to 15 1/2 years in prison Friday for illegally funneling nearly $22 million overseas in a case stemming from a major terrorism investigation.

Abad Elfgeeh, 51, was convicted last year of running an illegal money-transmitting business and structuring bank deposits to avoid reporting laws. Prosecutors alleged that at the behest of a radical Yemeni sheik, he sent money around the world from bank accounts linked to his tiny storefront in Brooklyn.
Well, this story just begs for new ice cream flavors. How about “Hamas fudge swirl”? “Moose tracks of the unclean animal”? “Crazy infidel vanilla”?

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