Sunday, February 26, 2006

Albert Aaronson in Boston, here’s your chance

From Jeff Jacoby’s analysis of Harvard’s problem with Lawrence Summers – “Anatomy of Summer’s fall”:

Harvard's motto is ''Veritas," Latin for ''truth." But at Harvard, as in much of academia, ideology, not truth, is the highest value. Nothing exemplifies the moral and intellectual rot of elite academic culture like the sight of Harvard's president falling on his sword for the crime of uttering statements that the vast majority of Americans would regard as straightforward common sense.

''I would sooner be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory," William F. Buckley Jr. avowed more than 40 years ago, ''than by the 2,000 members of the faculty of Harvard." There was a time when Buckley's words might have seemed hyperbolic. No longer.
Another motto some of us in Massachusetts like is: “Live free or here.”

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