Saturday, January 14, 2006

WashPost editorial - “Confirm Judge Alito

A Supreme Court nomination isn't a forum to refight a presidential election. The president's choice is due deference -- the same deference that Democratic senators would expect a Republican Senate to accord the well-qualified nominee of a Democratic president.

And Judge Alito is superbly qualified. His record on the bench is that of a thoughtful conservative, not a raging ideologue. He pays careful attention to the record and doesn't reach for the political outcomes he desires. His colleagues of all stripes speak highly of him. His integrity, notwithstanding efforts to smear him, remains unimpeached.
The Boston Globe begs to differ – “Not fit for the Court”:

On the right to a legal abortion, Alito said he would keep an open mind and repeatedly talked about respect for precedent. But Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, perhaps not overly helpful, got Alito to agree that if the court ''makes a mistake" and reaches a ruling that is ''repugnant," precedent need not have much weight at all.
Memo to the Globe: ever hear of the 58-year old precedent of Plessy v. Ferguson?

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