Friday, January 06, 2006

Two bad

What can I add about the Abramoff scandal? Every decade or so, Washington gets caught with its collective hand in the cookie jar; this is followed by faux outrage and renewed promises to clean up the system, yet the money keeps on a-flowin’ into the pockets of politicians.

This problem has been going on since, oh I’d say, Rome.

That said, the line of (mostly) Republican lawmakers will surely suffer through the scandal and it may even spell the end to their Washington careers. Even the Wall Street Journal is suggesting that the GOP should clean house: “Banish the Abramoff crowd from polite Republican society, and start remembering why you were elected in the first place.” But Democrats should swallow a dose of reality before they envision a 1994-type sweep based on the “culture of corruption”: a CNN/Gallup poll indicates that Americans view both parties in Congress as equally corrupt.

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