Monday, January 02, 2006

They also agreed that “puppies are cute”

Ace wonders if there are any other bullet points on the Democrats’ agenda for government other than “We hate Republicans”:

…it's just all part of the Big Democratic Message, which seems, to many, to consist of little more than "Impeach Bush, Give Us Back Power, We'll Make Things Better, Though We Have No Idea How, Or Else We're Too Afraid To Share That Information With You For Fear You Won't Like Our Actual Ideas."
But soft! What policy statement breaks through CNN’s Late Edition?

Since Murthamania went the way of the Bay City Rollers, elected Democrats need a new line on Iraq. And they've found one. They're against our staying in Iraq indefinitely, and let me tell you, they don't care who knows it.
That’s one deep line in the sand. Bold!

1 comment:

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