Thursday, January 19, 2006

There are no guarantees

Read this WashPost editorial titled “Fake Retirement Security” and then replace every instance of “corporate pensions” with “Social Security.”

But how much retirement security is there in an underfunded plan? If workers are going to face risk, they might as well have 401(k) accounts. At least these make no pretense of guaranteeing income in retirement.
Testify, brother, testify! Corporate pensions (think United and Delphi) as well as Social Security can be scaled back at any time. The only way to ensure your retirement security is to have control of your own money.

Extra – More from ABP: “My question is why politicians and the MSM continue to spread the lie that Social Security provides a guaranteed benefit, and why is it that they can't be honest with us and let us more easily provide for our own retirement security?” It’s all part of the conspiracy to keep you poor and stupid.

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