Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Senate attends to the people’s business

From the WashPost:

On Friday, the day Alito's confirmation hearings ended, Frist placed pressure on the Democrats to allow a quick vote. Frist announced that, unless the final vote takes place this week, he would cancel a week-long Senate vacation next week -- a step that he took yesterday, according to his chief of staff, Eric Ueland.
That’s right! No vacation for you! Senators will just have to wait until the one-week holiday in February.
And March.
Then the two-week break in April.
The last week in May.
Fourth of July week.
And the whole month of August.

But then it’s all work until October 6th.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    By resorting to these fascist tactics, Frist is running the risk of provoking a backlash from the voters.

  2. hardly. The average voter doesn't pay attention to anything other than his checkbook and personal security. This has very little to do with either.

    Personally, I'm happy to have our elected officials take regular breaks. After all, how often do they vote to raise taxes versus lower them? The less they're in session, the less overburdening our government is.

    Of course, it's nice to see our Senators actually show up for work on a regular basis... as opposed to Senator Splunge. Tell me again what his percentage was of days worked in the Senate during 2004.
