Monday, January 16, 2006

Religion of peace update

From the Boston Globe – “For Muslim women, a deadly defiance ‘Honor killings’ on the rise in Europe”:

As Europe's Muslims become increasingly conservative, growing numbers of women are being killed or mutilated in the name of ''family honor," according to law enforcement agencies, women's activist groups, and moderate Islamic organizations. These cases usually involve an attack on a Muslim woman by a close relative -- typically a brother or father -- angered by her refusal to accept a forced marriage or her insistence on leading a Western-style life.
A woman in the story by the name of Hatun Surucu fled from an arranged marriage to Germany where she studies four years at a vocational school to be an electrician. She wore blue jeans and went to movies. So her three brothers lured her to a street corner (promising reconciliation with her estranged family) and shot her dead.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Simply astounding. In the ideal world our lefties profess to desire, such acts would lead every newscast and millions would flood the streets in protest and condemnation. I guess the don't mean what they say then about respect and equality for all? Riddle me this, Batman...
