Monday, January 30, 2006

It’s all because of that evil, spawn-of-the-devil Fox News

You know the Left is getting desperate for scapegoats when they eat their own in the MSM. From Tom Bevan’s “The Left’s latest conspiracy”:

This should concern Democrats who are serious about winning elections. The mainstream media has been, and for the most part continues to be very sympathetic to Democratic causes and candidates. Latching on to some harebrained, up-is-down theory of GOP media manipulation to help explain Democrats’ recent failure at the polls is more than a sign of frustration, it’s a signal that some in the party are in deep denial and aren’t willing to face up to certain realities and deal with them accordingly.
Also, check out John Leo’s column “The Left Now Joins the Right In Attacking Mainstream Media” and John Hawkins’ thoughts on the chimerical right-wing media: “liberals believe a lot of dumb, obviously false things, so why should this be any different?” Heh.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Some lefties expect the New York Times to issue daily demands for the armed overthrow of the capitalist system and the overthrow and execution of the Bush junta. When that isn't forthcoming, they think it's because the paper is too right wing.

    Their complaints really say more about them, than about the media.
