Thursday, January 26, 2006

Is that guy still around? - John Kerry calls for Alito filibuster and Tom Elia has it right: “The absolute tone-deafness of this decision by Kerry couldn't be better for the GOP if it was drawn up in a Republican strategy meeting.” (HT: Michelle Malkin)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: please run again, Johnny. You have that rare penchant for overweening self-regard combined with Spicoli-level underachievement.

Extra – Pity from bRight and Early: “Massachusetts conservatives, you have my sincere sympathy. The rest of the state owes US an apology.” Yeah, well, what can you do?

MoreMega-roundup from Memeorandum.

And there’s this – John Kerry’s statement on Daily Kos.

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