Saturday, January 21, 2006

In lighter news - My son legitimately beat me in a bowling match today. He's 8. In my defense, the ball I was using was a lot heavier than his.


  1. Hey, I'm not saying anything...the last three times I bowled were all sub-100 games...

  2. Get used to things like that happening pal.

  3. I hate to point this out, Eric.. but using a heavier ball is a huge advantage.. it's a lot harder to knock over pins with a lighter ball since a 10 pound ball is deflected significantly, while a 16 pounder tends to stay on course

    I hope your son is gloating bigtime.. that's a major victory for him, and you should be proud :)

  4. Joe,

    Yeah, the "heavier ball" was a joke. Little jerk got a strike on his very first ball and I just couldn't recover.

    Much like the Broncos today. Zing!

  5. ha.. you got me on that one, Eric.. but maybe next time you can beat him if he lets you bowl with the bumpers covering the gutters ;)
