Sunday, January 29, 2006

Howard Dean does it again

DNC chairman Howard Dean was on Fox News Sunday this morning and said that Democrats who may have provided service for Jack Abramoff or his clients would be “in trouble.” Whoops:

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Sunday that Democrats who took money from Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff and who did something on behalf of those tribes have "a big problem."

Dean made the statement apparently unaware that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has reportedly done exactly that.
Oh, I know, it wasn’t directly from Abramoff and the $66,000 sent to Reid’s political group was all in quarters or something.

Extra – The lowdown on direct and indirect money from Q&O.


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Well, Howie's ass was still raw from getting spanked by Katie Couric

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    My favorite Dean-related story is this one from the front page of

    "Dean Comes Under Fire

    Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill are privately bristling over Howard Dean’s management of the Democratic National Committee and have made those sentiments clear after new fundraising numbers showed he has spent nearly all the committee’s cash and has little left to support their efforts to gain seats this cycle."

    Unfortunately, the complete story is no longer reachable.
