Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The good news and bad news on Iran

The bad news is there’s no good news. Charles Krauthammer writes in “The Iran Charade” that two years of European negotiations has allowed Iran to harden its position on nuclear capability and, because of oil and a fractured world response, there’s little we can do:

Such consequences -- serious economic disruption and possible naval action -- are something a cocooned, aging, post-historic Europe cannot even contemplate. Which is why the Europeans have had their heads in the sand for two years. And why they will spend the little time remaining -- before a group of apocalyptic madmen go nuclear -- putting their heads back in the sand. And congratulating themselves on allied solidarity as they do so in unison.
Two years, two years of “negotiation.” What the hell did these people talk about for 100 weeks?

European: “Will you give up your nuclear program?”
Iraqi: “No.”
European: “See you tomorrow.”

Follow-up – From the NYT: “The rest of the world cannot deter the will of the Iranian people to pursue their nuclear program, the country's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Wednesday, the official IRNA news agency reported.” Sadly, he’s probably right.

More - From FoxNews - “Condi Rice: Iran can’t have nuclear weapons capability.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Bad situation getting worse
