Saturday, January 07, 2006

DeLay steps down

From FoxNews: “Embattled Rep. Tom DeLay on Saturday abandoned his bid to remain as House majority leader, clearing the way for leadership elections among Republicans eager to shed the taint of scandal.” Tom DeLay was a good legislator, but between the Ronnie Earle indictments and the Abramoff revelations, he was just carrying too much baggage.

Via the AP, here’s Nancy Pelosi’s statement:

For years, at the expense of the cultured American people, the corrupt House Republicans have enabled and benefited from the Republican culture of corruption engineered by corrupt Tom DeLay. The culture of corruption is so pervasive in the corrupt Republican conference that a single person stepping down is not nearly enough to clean up the corrupt Republican Congress. Culture of corruption.”
Statement slightly amended for clarity.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    What? "Staying on message" could also be used AGAINST Republicans? Inconceeeevable!

    You're more offended by what Pelosi says than what DeLay does. Rah! Rah! Gooooo team!

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Anonymous, did Delay plead guilty, or was he convicted? Shouldn't we wait until one of those things happens, before we declare his guilt?
