Wednesday, January 11, 2006

As I go to sleep - I have just one final comment about the Alito hearings: Judge Alito has been on the federal bench for 15 years. He's presided over thousands of cases and written hundreds of opinions. He has the longest record of any justice nominated to the Supreme Court in over 70 years.

And what are the Democrats obsessing over? Not his jurisprudence in any of these cases but whether of not he belonged to a college alumni group thirty years ago. Thus, they prove the axiom: if you can't argue the law or the facts, pound the table.


  1. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Where's Breshnev's shoe when you need it ???

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    if you can't argue the law or the facts, pound the table.

    What "facts"? The last time a Supreme Court nominee answered a direct question plainly was when an aide asked Abe Fortas if he'd like a glass of water, and he said "sure."

    Sen. Schumer, to John Roberts:
    "It's as if I asked you: What kind of movies do you like? Tell me two or three good movies. And you say, I like movies with good acting. I like movies with good directing. I like movies with good cinematography. And I ask you, No, give me an example of a good movie. You don't name one. I say, Give me an example of a bad movie. You won't name one. Then I ask you if you like Casablanca, and you respond by saying, Lots of people like 'Casablanca.' (LAUGHTER) You tell me it's widely settled that Casablanca is one of the great movies."

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    True. A racist college fraternity. Whose founding was based on limiting the access of minorities and women to the Princeton campus.

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Trying to undermine a public servant by harping on and mischaracterizing the events of 30 years ago is the kind of sleazy political tactic only an obsessed Democrat would employ.

  5. The difference, of course, is that John Kerry made Vietnam the sole reason why he should be president (his Senate record garnered a solid 20 seconds in his convention speech).

    Conversely, Alito is supposed be judged on his jurisprudence. Finding nothing to criticize there, the Democrats turned to the CAP story...and there was nothing there.

    Newsflash: Chuck Schumer will vote "no"!
