Monday, January 30, 2006

25 Senators say: “Elections don’t matter

Or maybe they’re saying: “We’re trying to raise money
Or “I’m running for President and pandering to the base
Or “Show me where in the Constitution it says the President gets to pick judges
Then “I meant a Republican President

Whatever. By noon tomorrow, it’ll be over. This might be a good time to take stock at the Coalition of the Chillin’. My entry on the “extraordinary circumstances” threshold meshes perfectly with this whiner on Daily Kos:

CNN is reporting the "Gang of 14" will meet today, presumably to declare the possibility of a filibuster of the Alito nomination dead. That the Gang is getting together to say so is, we must assume, a declaration that the now-infamous "extraordinary circumstances" bar has not been cleared.
Righty-o, boyo. (HT: Decision08)


  1. Or maybe they're saying they have principles...

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Perhaps, one day, they will state them openly.
