Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Who knows? Those Dems are craaaaazy!

Here’s Ross on Andrew Sullivan’s site:

Let's suppose, for the sake or argument, that John Dean is right, and Bush just became "the first President to admit to an impeachable offense." The Democrats aren't going to try impeaching him for it - they aren't that stupid, are they? - so all that the offense does, in the public mind, is add to the existing perception of the GOP as the party that sometimes goes too far and skirts the law in the pursuit of national security objectives. And it's almost always better to be tagged as "the party that might go too far" than as "the party that won't go far enough" - which is how the Democrats are perceived these days.
Writing on the Hill, Dick Morris sounded a similar theme in “Spy story could bite Dems.” The Wall Street Journal is more direct with an editorial titled “Thank you for wiretapping” while Bill Kristol and Gary Schmitt deem the spying as “Vital Presidential Power.”

One additional thought – During his press conference yesterday, I was struck by how forcefully President Bush called for the renewal of the Patriot Act. Usually politicians shy away from legislation that appears to be heading to defeat, but Bush obviously feels that there’s no downside standing for too much national security. John McIntyre expands on this in “Have the Democrats walked into a trap again?” on Real Clear Politics.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Rove to Dubya: "Ze plan iz proceeding on schedule, Master."

  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    In case you hadn't noticed, Bush has a mixed record in the "bring it on!" department.

    And he's not exactly riding a winning streak on anything, anywhere. So Bush keeps up his "unswerving tough guy" routine because that's all he's got left. (The phrase "diminishing returns" comes to mind.)

    Bush obviously feels that there’s no downside standing for too much national security.

    Weirdly, a majority of Senators disagree. Including Republicans who consider a rub from Bush to be a liability to their political futures. But they've all walked into 100 traps, because they're craaaaazy.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    In case you hadn't noticed, Bush has a mixed record in the "bring it on!" department.

    And he's not exactly riding a winning streak on anything, anywhere. So Bush keeps up his "unswerving tough guy" routine because that's all he's got left. (The phrase "diminishing returns" comes to mind.)

    Nice bubble you living and rolling around in there. Might want to clean the plex so you can see out, though. It just might keep you from rolling it over that cliff you're heading towards.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Fabulous metaphor there, chief. A grimy bubble rolling towards a cliff. Got one for the ANWR vote, the Patriot Act non-extension, the McCain torture bill, or flying Cheney home for the 51-50 budget passage? Not to mention Justice Miers, FEMA/Katrina, private accounts, gas prices, the open Fitzgerald investigation......

    But Dick Morris says Bush is in a position of secret strength. Well, then, case closed, carry on.

  5. Anonymous2:25 PM

    What needs to be done is to publically confront these ACLU types with the danger they are putting most Americans in by siding with the terrorists. They need to be publically embarrassed. Then we can weed some of these anti-American ACLU types out of government.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Don't leave out the War on Christmas ™! And Jesse Jackson, man, that guy's like out of control!

    Premium Member, you strike me as a very, very, very good listener.
