Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What’s a bath without bubbles? Hey, Bubbles!

Here’s Thomas Lifson on Real Clear Politics with “The Liberal Bubble”:

To a remarkable degree, America’s liberal elites have constructed for themselves a comfortable, supportive, and self esteem-enhancing environment. The most prestigious and widest-reaching media outlets reinforce their views, rock stars and film makers provide lyrics and stories making their points, college professors tell them they are right, and the biggest foundations like Ford fund studies to prove them correct.

It has been a disaster for them.
Meanwhile, Robert Samuelson calls the White House “bubbly” :

Good stuff. The White House's bubbly appraisal isn't just fluff. If today's economic performance continued forever, we'd all be blessed. The trouble (for the White House, at least) is that many Americans don't seem impressed.

Economic performance (now good) and economic psychology (now mediocre) have, to some extent, become disconnected. Why? One reason is that Americans have developed perfectionist standards. We expect total prosperity and are disappointed by anything less.
And, for good measure, here’s a list of 2005 quotes from that ultimate media bubble – The New York Times.


  1. Great headline, Mr. Melon.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    That "Timewatch" list is mostly feeble. Where's the unfair lefty attack in these?

    "Until Friday, Mr. Bush had all but invited the torrent of criticism that he was out of touch with the scale of the human tragedy unfolding in Louisiana, often sounding off-key in the context of what may prove to be the worst natural disaster the nation has suffered."
    -- White House reporter Richard Stevenson, September 3.

    "The view among a number of White House officials was that the big news would come on Monday, when the president is to unveil a budget described as brutal in its cuts in domestic programs."
    -- Elisabeth Bumiller and Anne Kornblut, February 3.

    "Hamas, the Islamic group that combines philanthropy and militancy, confirmed publicly on Saturday that it would take part in Palestinian legislative elections scheduled for July 17, ending a 10-year boycott of the Palestinian Authority."
    -- Israel-based reporter Steven Erlanger, March 13.

    "The larger-than-life actor and activist Paul Robeson is a tall order for any play -- or for that matter actor -- to capture. Robeson was a dazzling polymath (not to mention a stunning physical presence): a star athlete and valedictorian at Rutgers; a lawyer; a world-famous singer and actor; and a celebrated defender of civil rights, social justice and Soviet socialism, who was ultimately blacklisted and had his passport revoked."
    -- Critic Phoebe Hoban on Stalinist actor Paul Robeson, in an April 26 review of a play about Robeson's life.

    These are just four. The "leftwing bias" in most of the others is just as imperceptable. So it's mostly sentences compiled by a conservative guy who seems peeved that the Times doesn't have the same enemies he does.

    Guess what? The Times could have gone blank for the year, and he'd be just as bummed. 2005 was negative towards Bush.

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