Saturday, December 03, 2005

There are 535 members of Congress – Can’t any of them appear on a Sunday news show besides John McCain and Joe Biden? At least John Kerry will provide some comic relief on “Face the Nation.”


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    you forget that some congressmen (and women) actually work for their 'modest' salaries.. and prefer to spend their free time with family and loves ones

    of course, the same could be said about Biden and McCain.. they're spending their free time with a loved one... ie, a camera

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Of course, there's always the off chance that some unusual Congresscritter would say something unexpected, and that can't make the MSM feel good, either, so they stick with the old standards.

    Or, they could put John Murtha on, but then everybody would see what he's really like.

  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Or, you could be wrong. John Murtha was on "Meet the Press" today. (But he's been hiding for the 12 hours since, like the gutless sympathizer he's always been since about a week ago. Cowards cut and run, but viewers Tivo and rewind.)

    McCain, Biden and the other always-guests turn up so often because they have consituencies and do well enough on camera. That's why they're repeatedly asked to appear. Or do you think they bust down the doors of the TV studios, and refuse to leave?
