Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Reminder: Amazing Race finale tonight

What can be said about this "Family Edition" of the Amazing Race? It wasn't awful, but it lacked some of the qualities that has made TAR a cult favorite. The two that immediately spring to mind are:

1.) Four family members instead of two team members = less drama. Part of the fun of the Race is watching two friends or family members thrown into situations beyond their control and watching the results. The family-friendly tasks on this season lacked the "oomph" of climbing down a pyramid or skydiving. Plus, there's a different tenor while racing with family members (esp. young kids) than racing with your best friend.
2.) North and Central America is not "a trip around the world." Somewhat related to above, every previous season of the Race has featured clueless, non-English-speaking taxi drivers who send Racers completely over the edge. (Remember Colin's meltdown because an African cabbie was driving around on a donut?) But the Race is also great for the travelogue side, revealing to viewers places both familiar and exotic. The Panama Canal? Eh.

Anyway: my hope for tonight is anybody but the Weavers. In early recaps of this season I defended them, but week after week they've amply demonstrated why they're disliked by the other teams. Then let's get back to dueling duos for Amazing Race 9.

Extra – The Calgary Sun is less circumspect but echoes my sentiments: “To say The Amazing Race: Family Edition has been a disappointment is a great understatement. Not only have the exceptionally easy detours and roadblocks been a bore to watch, the teams have left the U.S. only once, making it more of a dreaded family vacation than an amazing adventure.

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