Friday, December 30, 2005

Leaks for me, not for thee

Macs Mind has a multi-updated post on the Justice Department probe into the NSA leak, complete with (ironically?) double-secret background information from a “source.” A very comprehensive review. Meanwhile, James Taranto is almost giddy while noting that the New York Times, which gnashed and writhed over Valerie Plame, will be hoisted by its own petard over its report on the NSA leak.

James Lileks, writing from the future, looks back on 2006:

The New York Times, fresh from reporting the self-destruct codes for the American spy satellites that had inadvertently listened into 15 pay-per-view porn orders from cable subscribers in Omaha, revealed that U.S. subs have been violating Chinese territorial waters to monitor military communications. The Times named the boat, the captain, his home address and posted his credit report online. The boat was never heard from again and was presumed sunk.
Don’t tread on the Times’ first amendment rights to threaten national security, you fascists!

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