Thursday, December 01, 2005

Joe Biden can’t count

Noted recluse Senator Joe Biden was on Paula Zahn yesterday, making the same amorphous points on Iraq he’s been repeating for a year now. Here’s the transcript of the show where he details the Democratic position, skipping right over point #4:

ZAHN: You would have to agree, Democrats are all over the place on this issue. Does that hurt you...


ZAHN: ... for the upcoming presidential election?

BIDEN: By the way, the truth of the matter is, the Democrats are not all over the place on this issue.

ZAHN: There's not a unified voice on this.


ZAHN: In 30 seconds tonight, can you tell us what the Democratic position is...

BIDEN: The Democratic position...

ZAHN: ... on the further prosecution of this war?


Mr. President, number one, get the rest of the countries in on the deal to put pressure on the Sunnis and the Shias and the Kurds to have a consensus constitution, because they don't have one yet. If you don't get a political settlement, we're in trouble.

Mr. President, take up other countries on their offer to help train Iraqi forces. Number three, Mr. President, get the donor countries to come forward with the money to supply the Iraqis, so they have the capability of going in and doing the job we're doing now.

Number five, Mr. President, make sure you go out there and you reach in, have a regional conference, so that you get a regional solution here, like you did in Afghanistan, Mr. President.

Mr. President, you can do this. Thanks for telling us the truth now. But now get on with the business of not doing this alone.

ZAHN: Senator Biden, really appreciate your dropping by tonight.
Let’s recap the Biden/Democratic plan:

Point #1 – “get the rest of the countries”
Point #2 – “take up other countries”
Point #3 – “get the donor countries”
Point #4 - ???
Point #5 – “have a regional conference”

You would think that a Senator with Presidential aspirations would be embarrassed to offer nothing more than “let somebody else do it.”

1 comment:

  1. So what if you skip a step? How else do you expect to turn underwear into profit?
