Friday, December 09, 2005

I may have to break my boycott and buy the Sunday NY Times

From Editor and Publisher: “'NY Times' Sunday Preview: Conservative Blogs Rock!”

In an argument sure to be challenged in certain sectors of the blogosphere, a story in The New York Times magazine coming up this Sunday declares that conservative blogs continue to best liberal blogs in political and electoral influence.

The title of the piece by Michael Crowley in the magazine’s 5th Annual Year in Ideas cover package says it all: “Conservative Blogs Are More Effective.”
Back during the 2004 campaign, when I was contributing to Blogs for Bush, it was pretty obvious that every word I wrote was affecting the election. But did I get a “thank you” from the White House? Well, I did get a Christmas card.

Extra - Well, as usual, I'm late for this story. Many, many links to commentary over at Memeorandum.


  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    You got the Christmas card, too? And here I thought that I was Karl Rove's Junior Shock Tropper of the Year.

    BTW, the Crawford, TX postmark was a beautiful touch.

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Er, Trooper I mean. Duh.

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    You mean Holiday card.

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    But if it's in the Times, it must be unreliable and easily debunked. But if the Times is unreliable, that means conservative blogs must not be effective. But if conservative blogs aren't effective, that means the NY Times must be reliable. But if the Times is reliable, that means that conservative blogs are effective. Which means... does not compute, does not compute, danger Will Robinson, danger (black smoke pours from ears).

  5. I assume you've read it by now? Day By Day had a good synopsis: Conservative blogs are more effective because they're part of the right wing echo chamber of Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge.

    It was hideously bad, and three paragraphs long. Hope you didn't buy the Times for that!
