Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Good news/bad news for Tom DeLay

Steve Spruiell writing on Media Blog believes DeLay will be ultimately cleared of all charges:

Tom DeLay will be eventually exonerated, no question. Ronnie Earle has no evidence. In order to prove the money-laundering charge that Judge Pat Priest let stand, he will have to prove that DeLay and his co-defendants obtained corporate soft-money donations and sent them to the RNC in Washington with the intent of converting them into hard-money donations. But when asked to produce the central piece of evidence referenced in the indictment, Earle couldn't. Even if this goes to trial in Austin and some crackpot liberal jury convicts DeLay, he will win out on appeal. This is still a trumped-up charge, regardless of how Priest ruled yesterday.
The bad news is that the House GOP is planning to elect a new majority leader in January if DeLay doesn’t have the charges dropped by then.

1 comment:

  1. National Nitwit has the story of new charges brought against Tom DeLay.

    National Nitwit - guaranteed at least 50% truthful.
