Thursday, December 22, 2005

For last-minute shoppers

From a Frontline report on the lucrative credit card industry: “Eight things a credit card user should know

One interesting tidbit: author/actor/know-it-all Ben Stein was on this PBS special and he claimed that he pays off his credit card bill every month. According to him (via a conversation he had with somebody in the credit industry), people who pay off their balances every month, thereby avoiding the finance charge, are referred to as “deadbeats.” People who carry over a balance from month-to-month are “revolvers.” Credit card companies love revolvers.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I like revolvers, too. But I'm partial to the 1911. My wife, however, likes revolvers; she has a particularly nice Smith & Wesson 686. She thinks it's "cute." (A .357 is cute...) Oh, wait... we weren't talking about that, were we?


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