Friday, December 09, 2005

Canada Free Press: “Question: What’s the worst thing that can happen to America? Well if you’re a Democrat like Howard Dean, the worst thing that can happen to America is that it wins a war. At least that’s the impression one is left with when listening to Dean’s defeatist drivel. For many years now it seems that the only time Democrats are happy is when things are going badly for America, especially under a government containing a majority of Republicans.” I thought it was a mistake for the Democrats to pick a Northeastern liberal such as Howard Dean for DNC chairman, and thus far he hasn't disappointed.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    stop picking on Dr. Dean - Matt from Long Island

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I've commented other places on this, I finally figured it out for myself. liberals are patriotic Americans-IF the America you are talking about is pacifist, socialist, defeatist, admits to being the cause of all evil in the world, is submitted to the UN, and practices class warfare politics. THAT is the America they love and will be proud of, and that only. we truly do speak a different language than liberals do.

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Yes, truly. Starting with the phrase "figured it out."

  4. Dr. Dean. The best thing that could happen to the Republicans. ;-)
