Saturday, December 17, 2005

The agents were actually Nigerian princes trying to get their fortune back

How gullible do you have to be to post on Daily Kos? Today, they linked to this story about a senior at UMass-Dartmouth who allegedly was visited by two Homeland Security agents after he tried to check out Mao’s “Little Red Book.”

Rigggggght. Look at all the glaring signs of a hoax:
1.) The student’s name is not given. Instead the entire episode is related by two UMass history professors.
2.) The “incident” happened “two months ago.”
3.) The book wasn’t available at the UMass-Dartmouth library (unlikely) so, for an interlibrary loan, he had to leave his name, address, phone number, and Social Security number. Anything else? Why not a DNA sample to round out this wildly complicated request process?

Either the student or these professors (read their paranoid statements) are cooking up this fabrication as a way to knock the Patriot Act. If this story is remotely true, I’ll leave a $15,000 diamond ring in the first unlocked car I find.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Haw! That's almost as risible as the prank story making the rounds today, about how the Patriot Act "was designed to" "protect our civil liberties."

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Good catch. Thanks for monitoring Kos so we don't have to.

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "...about how the Patriot Act "was designed to "protect our civil liberties."

    Right, like your civil liberty to not be incinerated by having a jet crash into your place of work and leave a widow and three young kids. ASSHOLE!

  4. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Dear Crazy Man,
    Re: the United States Constitution
    When you stop punching your keyboard, try Google-searching the phrase "It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it." The type of mentality that reduces the issue to "dumb dusty old laws, they get in the way, make plane go crashy-crashy" won't learn anything, of course. But I've got Google stock, and every hit helps. :-D

  5. When you’re done with that, try this one: “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.


  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    The best part of this story is that there are maroons who actually believe this tripe.

    Let me guess, the idiot "Umass professors" who are shopping this bit of cr*p were student activists in the 1960s and 70s. The only thing they can recall from their years stoned out of their minds are a few words like "Mao" and "Little Red Book" so they still think that anyone in the federal government would actually waste resources tracking down some one tries to check it out of the library.

    Maroons, pure unadulterated maroons.

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I called this as a hoax as soon as I saw it.

    what is very interesting is the change in google searches in the past week.

    First it was all about the story. But about 3 days ago, every single search term concerning the story had the word "hoax" in it. So it looks like the word has gotten out!

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