Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Who said that? – The Iraq game (HT: Ankle-biting Pundits)


  1. I don't think Sen. Kerry has figured out yet that all his old contradictory comments, say from 24 hrs ago, are available instantly on the internet. Or he is relying on the laziness and gullibility of the national press to not notice these reversals.

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    That's what's so honorable about Bush/Cheney/Etc repeating the same lie over and over. Consistency!

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    HEy DIogenes. .did you even LOOK at who actually said those co0mments? BIll CLinton, SAndy Berger, MAdeline Allbrioght, Hillary CLinton, RObert BYrd, Jay ROckefeller. . .etc. .

    None of which I think can be described as "Cheney and COmpany"

    And before you bring out the Canard about "Well they were decieved by manipulated intelligence". .was Bush manipulating intellegence to fool CLinton and his staff while he was still GOvernor of Texas? THat took quite some doing!

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

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