Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Walmart sucks

As heaven is my witness, I’m never shopping at Walmart again. Every time I go there, I hit the same problem: glacially slow checkout. The Walmart in Avon, Connecticut where I work refuses to add a “cash only” line or a line for a very small number of items. Instead they have the ridiculous “20 items or less” lines; other than Christmas, who is regularly checking out with 20 items?

Today I got behind a woman paying with a check, then the check verification machine wouldn’t work, then the supervisor went to open another line rather than help the poor cashier on register one…ugh. After an interminable amount of time, I finally paid for my single bag of dog food – with cash – and left.

Never again. For now on, it’s Target all the way.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I'm shocked that your Wal-Mart doesn't have a self checkout. Even our store here in the sticks has 4 of these registers (and yes, they allow you to pay by cash).

    'Sides, it prevents me from getting behind the little old ladies with 436 different coupons.

  2. No, I'd be all OVER a self-checkout. I'm always shocked how stupid I am to go back there. Viva Target, where I went this past weekend and walked *right up to the checkout*.

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I stopped shopping at WalMart years ago.. mostly because it was next to impossible to find a parking space within 100 yards of the door.. and I tend to drop off film whenever I go there.. the people who work the Target One Hour processing center are extremely nice and usually process my film immediately so it's ready for me to pick up by the time I'm done shopping (usually in 15 minutes)

    and has anyone else noticed the night and day difference between your average Walmart shopper versus Target patron?

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    I agree walmart sucks bad, having grown up in detroit where there used to be only one in 75 miles the store has no appeal to me, i want to supprt this country not walmarts pockets

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM


    The Walmart in Dubuque has several automated self-serve checkouts. Don't know why the Avon is so backwards, unless the management figured the locals weren't able to use the self-serve checkouts.


  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    PS. My brother an IT manager at Target whose job is to make sure the POS equipment in new Targets are installed and working, thanks you for your patronage.


  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    The new pragmatic definition of poor in America - 'shops at Walmart.'

    It's never fast; it's never enjoyable. Reliably crappy merchandize, unless it is shrink-wrapped and sold other places for the same price.

    Patronizing Walmart is essentially patronizing China.

    I've never seen a friendly or helpful Walmart employee. I get the impression that their management must intentionally make the job odious.
